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Professional Affiliations

The Boston New Music Initiative, Inc.

The American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP)

Society of Composers, Incorporated

American Composers Forum

Iowa Composers Forum

Pi Kappa Lambda

University of Iowa School of Music

University of Iowa Center for New Music

University of Massachusetts Department of Music and Dance

Boston College Music Department

Friends and Colleagues

Jeffrey Davis; professor of chemical engineering

Jonathan Davis; strength and performance coach, personal trainer (CSCS);
Owner and Performance Director, Powerhouse Training, LLC
CEO and Owner, Baseball Power Company

Maxwell Glick; actor

Thomas Ott; composer, performer, arranger

Kirsten Volness; composer

Jeremy Spindler; composer and theorist

John C. Griffin; composer and performer

George Hufnagl; composer and sound designer

Seth Custer; composer and performer

Matthew Dotson; composer

Anthony Donofrio; composer and performer

Christopher Gainey; composer, theorist, and performer

David Gompper; composer, performer, and conductor

Brian Vlasak; composer

Thomas Oboe Lee; composer
Performing Ensembles

Bay Colony Brass

Redline Brass Quintet

Hotel Elefant