Massachusetts native Timothy A. Davis brings a variety of administrative, corporate, and new music experience
to his role as CEO of the Boston New Music Initiative. Recognizing the need for a strong network across
musical disciplines, Tim’s motivation in founding BNMI reflects his long-standing commitment to furthering the
careers of composers and musicians. He has served as a judge for composition competitions with the National
Federation of Music Clubs and on judging panels for BNMI’s Calls for Scores. As an educator, Tim provides
private composition instruction, and he worked as an instructor of theory and aural skills at the University of
Iowa, where he earned Pi Kappa Lambda honors in graduating with a doctorate in composition in 2009. He also
holds degrees from Boston College and the University of Massachusetts. In addition to musical instruction, Tim
has served as a tennis instructor and coach throughout Massachusetts since 2006.
An active composer in constant pursuit of new collaborations and projects, Tim has studied composition with
Bruce MacCombie, David Gompper, Thomas Oboe Lee, Lawrence Fritts, and Salvatore Macchia, as well as
electroacoustic composition with Scott Wyatt, Lawrence Fritts, and Jean-Paul Perrotte. His music has been
presented at the Denison New Music Festival and for opening night performances in consecutive years at the
Midwest Composers Symposia. He is a past recipient of a Masterworks prize from ERM Media, and his work
In Memoriam for symphony orchestra is included in ERM's Masterworks of the New Era CD series. Recent
collaborations and commissions include works for the Bay Colony Brass, Quinta Esencia Ensemble, Northern
Arizona University Faculty New Music Ensemble, and for University of Illinois DMA candidate Candace
Thomas (funded by the International Horn Society).
Tim has served in various professional capacities both within and outside of the music industry. From 2002-2004, he worked at FitzGerald
Communications, a high-tech public relations firm in downtown Boston. At the University of Massachusetts, Tim worked as a graduate teaching assistant as
manager of the Symphony Band and Wind Ensemble, and as the orchestra librarian. He continues to perform independent contract work as an
engraver/copyist, arranger, and orchestrator. Along with his work with BNMI, Tim also works at Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), a global
nonprofit organization focused on addressing the world’s most urgent challenges in education, health, and economic opportunity.
Outside of his professional activities, Tim enjoys homebrewing, expanding his knowledge of the country’s many fine craft breweries, supporting New England
college and professional sports teams, and participating in a variety of athletic activities. He is engaged to soprano Erin M. Smith. For more information on
Tim, please visit